Browse Items (680 total) Browse All Search Items Previous Page of 68 Next Page Sort by: Title Creator Date Added 1990-011 Standard Model Wall Chart Standard Model of Fundamental Particles and Interactions Wall Chart, first edition 1990-012 Physical Electronics Records Transparencies from talks given at the SLAC Celebration of the 1990 Nobel Prize in Physics presented to Richard Taylor, Henry Kendall, and Jerome Friedman. 1991-001 Group BC Records Research data gathered using 15 inch and 40 inch Bubble Chambers. Experiments include BC 25, BC 42, BC 59, BC 64, BC 65, BC 67, BC 68, BC 72 BC 73, BC 168, Charm Event, SLAC Hybrid Facility (SHF). Group Memos, research notes, experiment proposals.… 1991-002 NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS POSTER, 1990 1990 Nobel Prize in Physics Poster honoring Richard Taylor, Henry Kendall, and Jerome Friedman 1991-003 1990 Nobel Prize in Physics Celebration Talks Transparencies from talks given at the SLAC Celebration of the 1990 Nobel Prize in Physics to Richard Taylor, Henry Kendall, and Jerome Friedman, as well as the Operator Notes for the 1.5 GeV Inelastic Experiment Computer used by the collaboration. 1991-004 Nobel Prize Talk by Bloom Transparencies from Talk given at the SLAC Celebration of the 1990 Nobel Prize in Physics to Richard Taylor, Henry Kendall, and Jerome Friedman 1991-005 Research Division Group A Records, 1964-1971 Subjects include the design and construction of End Station A (ESA), Beam Switchyard (BSY) and spectrometers, as well as development of experiments E49, E61, and E71 1991-006 PEP Notes PEP Notes (including status reports) describing development & construction of the colliding beam storage ring at SLAC. 1991-007 Experimental Facilities (EFD) Records Subjects include Operational Reports, 1968-1984, and completed Experimental Reports for Mark I detector. 1991-008 Research Division Group A Reprints Annotated reprints. Subjects include Elastic CP Violation, Inelastic Theory, and Resonances. Previous Page of 68 Next Page Featured Item SLAC003 Wolfgang Kurt Hermann Panofsky Papers, 1932-2008 The bulk of the collection consists of extensive administrative and professional correspondence and memoranda, subject files, minutes and reports, and…