Browse Items (680 total) Browse All Search Items of 68 Next Page Sort by: Title Creator Date Added 1990-001 Plant Engineering Records Structural calculations. Projects include: Beam Switch Yard, Central Laboratory, Cryogenics Facility, End Station A, End Station B, Klystron Gallery, PEP, SLC, Gas Storage Facility, Heavy Assembly Building, Test Lab Building, Central Laboratory… 1990-003 PEP Project Director Records Records as Director of PEP Project, includes budget statements and travel reports. 1990-004 David Ritson Records Records from Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) and Fermi National Laboratory (FNAL). Includes experiment proposals and technical notes. 1990-005 Instrumentation and Controls Records Records, including project reports, concern the Linac Final Focus Test Beam, Accelerator Operations, PEP, SPEAR, SLC, Damping rings, operational safety, PPS systems, Power, Water and Radio systems. There are many folders with staff names. 1990-006 Research Division Group A Records, 1976-1982 Research notes, experiment proposals, and other records concerning PEP and Crystal Ball Detector 1990-007 Magnet Optics Records SLAC Publications. Subjects include: Two-mile Accelerator Project Quarterly Status Reports, Beam Transport Systems, Storage Ring Summer Study, Symmetric Quadrupole Magnet Triplets and Streamer Chamber Development. 1990-010 SLC Drawings, 1983-1984 Three post-bound volumes: 1) Contract Drawings for the Construction of the SLAC Linear Collider North and South Arc Tunnel Subcontract No. 515-S-1100, 1983, Prepared by Tudor Engineering Co. 2) Conformed Contract Drawings for the Construction of the… 1990-011 Standard Model Wall Chart Standard Model of Fundamental Particles and Interactions Wall Chart, first edition 1990-012 Physical Electronics Records Transparencies from talks given at the SLAC Celebration of the 1990 Nobel Prize in Physics presented to Richard Taylor, Henry Kendall, and Jerome Friedman. 1991-001 Group BC Records Research data gathered using 15 inch and 40 inch Bubble Chambers. Experiments include BC 25, BC 42, BC 59, BC 64, BC 65, BC 67, BC 68, BC 72 BC 73, BC 168, Charm Event, SLAC Hybrid Facility (SHF). Group Memos, research notes, experiment proposals.… of 68 Next Page Featured Item 2000-072 World Wide Web at SLAC, 1991-2000 (Special Collection) Papers, presentations, correspondence, etc. relating to the creation of SLAC's World Wide Web site, the first WWW site in the US. Includes SLAC…