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  • Description is exactly "SLAC Staff Picture Books. Also called SLAC Staff Directory, SLAC People Book. Alphabetical directory of employees, including photographic portraits. 1962 through 1966 books indicate employing division and office. Books in accession include: 12/31/62, 8/63, 6/64, 1/1/65, Cumulative Addenda 4/15/65, 1/1/66, 3/1/67, 2/1/68, 2/1/69, 2/1/70, 9/1/71, 6/1/75 and 6/1/81. Accession also includes some SLAC Phone Directories from 10/1/78 (SCIP directory), 5/78, 3/80, 5/81, 7/83, and 3/85."